Farm Weekly

Cap Droughtmaster bulls are ready to work

The 2023 Cap Droughtmaster Sale draft consists of a good line of 70 bulls that have been prepared on silage with a long working life in mind. Picure by Brett Tindal
The 2023 Cap Droughtmaster Sale draft consists of a good line of 70 bulls that have been prepared on silage with a long working life in mind. Picure by Brett Tindal

This is branded content for the Cap Droughtmaster Sale

A striking 70-lot selection of ready-to-work bulls has been catalogued by the Glenavon and CMC studs for the 37th annual Cap Droughtmaster Sale being held at CQLX Gracemere from 11am on Thursday, September 21.

Glenavon stud principal John Atkinson said the 2023 sale draft consists of a good line of bulls that have been prepared on silage with a long working life in mind.

"Bulls sold through the Cap sale have developed a strong reputation for handling their first season well as they aren't overfed for sale. They'll continue to grow quickly at their new homes," Mr Atkinson said.

"These sale bulls are paddock reared and are handled in large groups with horses, dogs and motorbikes and as such do not have a lot of one-on-one handling but must display a naturally docile nature," he said.

Bulls sold through the Cap Droughtmaster Sale have developed a strong reputation for handling their first season well as they aren't overfed for sale. Picture by Brett Tindal
Bulls sold through the Cap Droughtmaster Sale have developed a strong reputation for handling their first season well as they aren't overfed for sale. Picture by Brett Tindal

In all, there will be 65 Glenavon bulls offered on the day, while five from Duncan and Karen Geddes, CMC Stud, will also have their time in the ring.

Included in the 2023 draft are several sons of Garthowen Wrangler, which has performed brilliantly for Glenavon over the years, as well as a couple of excellent bulls by Huntly Thor.

"Our homebred sires will also be well represented by some very good bulls on the day."

Since its inception, the Cap sale has attracted repeat buyers from Central Queensland, through the central west of the state and across to Western Australia.

"The feedback we receive on these bulls is that they handle the conditions, aren't overfed, and are presented in a way that they can go out and perform immediately. The carcase traits inherent to the bulls we produce have also led to several carcase competition wins for Glenavon-blood cattle."

Auctioneer Anthony Ball, Elders Stud Stock Rockhampton and Glenavon stud principal John Atkinson with the top-selling bull of the 2022 Cap Droughtmaster Sale, Glenavon Yobbo, which was purchased by Reaco Pty Ltd, Marlborough, for $26,000. Picture by Billy Jupp
Auctioneer Anthony Ball, Elders Stud Stock Rockhampton and Glenavon stud principal John Atkinson with the top-selling bull of the 2022 Cap Droughtmaster Sale, Glenavon Yobbo, which was purchased by Reaco Pty Ltd, Marlborough, for $26,000. Picture by Billy Jupp

Mr Atkinson said while the 2022 sale wasn't a record breaker he was still pleased with the result, with all bulls finding new homes.

"It was a solid sale. If you sell them all you've had a good day."

In all 58 bulls sold last year to average $8660, while a top price of $26,000 was achieved. The average was a $700 increase per head on the 2021 sale.

All bulls will be available for inspection at Stewart Street, Gracemere from September 9 to 13, and at CQLX from midday on Wednesday, September 20.

Cracking draft for 2023 Cap Droughtmaster Sale

The sale catalogue will be available to view by the end of August on the Cap Droughtmaster Sale website and hard copies will be posted to all past buyers on the mailing list. Those new to the sale can ask for a catalogue to be sent out via the sale website.

Online bidding will be available through Stocklive with full instructions on how to register in the catalogue. Videos of every bull are also available through this medium.

For pre-sale enquiries please contact Elders selling agents Anthony Ball, 0428 275 499, or Adam Geddes, 0427 500 413.

This is branded content for the Cap Droughtmaster Sale