Farm Weekly

Golden Brahman buying opportunities in Charters Towers

The $35,000 top price bull of the 2022 Gold City Brahman Sale Kenilworth 6695, with buyer Bill Mann, Hillgrove Pastoral, Charters Towers, and vendor Brad Hancock, Mount Coolon, Collinsville. Picture by Ben Harden
The $35,000 top price bull of the 2022 Gold City Brahman Sale Kenilworth 6695, with buyer Bill Mann, Hillgrove Pastoral, Charters Towers, and vendor Brad Hancock, Mount Coolon, Collinsville. Picture by Ben Harden

This is branded content for the Australian Brahman Breeders' Association

A sterling 225-lot catalogue has been selected for the 22nd annual Gold City Brahman Sale being held at the Dalrymple Saleyards, Charters Towers, from 9am on Friday, November 3.

A total of 64 vendors, including 13 who will make their Gold City sale debut, have drafted 120 red bulls and 105 grey bulls, of which 57 per cent are polled, for this year's sale.

ABBA North Queensland chairperson Peter Chiesa said the selection criteria had been dialled up a notch for this year's sale.

"Bulls were previously selected based on basic structure (feet and legs), sheath score and temperament. But the vendors are starting to draft more on quality as well. All bulls have been pre-inspected by their agents, Anthony Ball at Elders and Liam Kirkwood at Ray White," Mr Chiesa said.

He said the sale has retained its value over the years due to the sheer amount of value for money buying opportunities available.

"There isn't another sale in the north with this quality of bulls presented by such a large selection of forward thinking breeders, some of which only sell at Gold City. The sale typically averages a lot less than other sales without compromising on quality.

"We have had vendors from Brisbane Valley, up the coast to the Kennedy, west to Hughenden and back down to Springsure."

The sale has consistently achieved a better result year-on-year for the past five years. Last year, 88 per cent of the 153 bulls offered were cleared, culminating in a gross of $1,075,000 and an average of $7904, an increase of $1055 on the 2021 result.

"We now are seeing strong support from returning clients, this is something we have been striving for, they now know they're buying good bulls for the right money. The bulls are consistently there for the buying panel. This is what success looks like from our perspective. People are marking the first Friday of November in their calendar for this sale."


A bull purchased from the 2021 Gold City sale by the Pedracini family, Pedracini Grazing, Georgetown, has produced some exceptional red poll calves. Picture supplied
A bull purchased from the 2021 Gold City sale by the Pedracini family, Pedracini Grazing, Georgetown, has produced some exceptional red poll calves. Picture supplied

The Pedracini family, Lornevale Brahmans, have been purchasing bulls out of the Gold City sale for close to 20 years.

Darren and Melissa Pedracini, together with Clayton Pedracini and Amahlia Tyson, and Hayden Pedracini and Alex Turley, run the family business from Lornevale Station, Georgetown, and on four blocks on the Cassowary Coast Blocks: Warrami, Warrubullen, Mena Creek, and Japoonvale.

Darren Pedracini said when his father and grandfather purchased Lornevale from his uncle in the early 1960s the herd was primarily Hereford.

"The goal to transition to a poll Brahman line of cattle commenced in the early 1970's," Mr Pedracini said.

"Today we have a predominant poll Brahman herd which we have chosen for the adaptability, temperament, tick resilience and clean coat the breed provides," he said.

"Over the past few years we have incorporated some European crosses to expand the marketability of our cattle."

The Pedracini's sell their coastal-bred bullocks to the JBS meatworks in Townsville and into the live export sector, while their crossbred and cull heifers are fattened and sold on the Cassowary Coast to Bingil Bay Beef. They aim to sell their bullocks at close to 600kg as two to three year-old's, while the crossbred types and cull heifers at 450kg mostly as two-year-old's.

"We have situated ourselves to utilise these local market avenues."

Mr Pedracini said the bulls offered at Gold City have consistently been presented in a good condition and aren't overfed.

"This has enabled these bulls to maintain their body weight upon integration into our herd."

The Pedracini's most recent Gold City purchase, from the 2021 sale, has performed well to date.

"He has produced some exceptional red poll calves for us."

The family is hoping to attend this year's sale and will be looking to buy bulls with "good temperament, bone and doing ability".

The $20,000 top priced red bull of the 2022 sale, Somerview Adonis 3420, with Ray White's Liam Kirkwood and Nutrien's James Saunders. Picture by Ben Harden
The $20,000 top priced red bull of the 2022 sale, Somerview Adonis 3420, with Ray White's Liam Kirkwood and Nutrien's James Saunders. Picture by Ben Harden


Those who are unable to attend the sale in person can bid from home via the AuctionsPlus online platform.

"AuctionsPlus has an unmatched commercial buyer base which we hope to capture, that we haven't before for the sale."

All sale lots will be available for inspection from November 1, from 3pm to 5pm, through to sale day.

Food and drinks will be put on by the vendors on the Thursday night after the afternoon viewing of the bulls. This will be at The Rix from 6.30pm.

The sale catalogue will be sent out at the start of October and is now available online on the ABBA website.

For enquiries please call selling agents Anthony Ball, Elders, on 0428 275 499 or Liam Kirkwood, Ray White, on 0457 577 747.

This is branded content for the Australian Brahman Breeders' Association