Steers sell up to $1015 at Boyanup sale

November 22 2023 - 6:00pm
Vendors Paddy (left) and Bruno Italiano, PG & BP Italiano, Harvey, caught up with their agent Errol Gardiner Nutrien Livestock, Brunswick/Harvey, to look over their calves. In the sale the Italiano family sold 41 Angus steers to a top of $920 and five Speckle Park sired heifers to a top of $589.
Vendors Paddy (left) and Bruno Italiano, PG & BP Italiano, Harvey, caught up with their agent Errol Gardiner Nutrien Livestock, Brunswick/Harvey, to look over their calves. In the sale the Italiano family sold 41 Angus steers to a top of $920 and five Speckle Park sired heifers to a top of $589.

It was another quality yarding of weaners at the combined agents weaner sale at Boyanup last week, where steers topped at $1015 and heifers $719.

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