Farm Weekly

Don't watch the grass grow! Use YaraMila

Uniform application and distribution of nutrients is one of the key benefits of using a true uniform compound fertiliser, as found in YaraMila 21-7-3. Picture supplied
Uniform application and distribution of nutrients is one of the key benefits of using a true uniform compound fertiliser, as found in YaraMila 21-7-3. Picture supplied

This is branded content for Yara Australia

OPTIMAL livestock performance and health starts with quality pasture, which in turn relies on effective pasture nutrition.

"Pasture nutrition is the difference between growing grass or just watching it grow," Yara Crop Nutrition sales manager Paul Eitzen said.

"A good pasture nutrition program should be based on the same fundamentals as for any crop.

"The objective is to optimise plant growth, quality and yield, which in turn, is the basis for livestock performance, fertility and health."

YaraMila 21-7-3(4) is a premium quality, compound NPK fertiliser that contains a balanced blend of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

"Providing adequate rates of these nutrients, in the right balance and in the correct form is the key to achieving high dry matter yields and improved feed quality," Mr Eitzen said.

"The nitrogen content in YaraMila 21-7-3(4) is presented in both nitrate and ammonium forms.

"Nitrate provides a fast-acting source of plant-available nitrogen, while ammonium provides a sustained source of nitrogen.

"Likewise, phosphorus is presented in both water-soluble and citrate-soluble forms and potassium is presented in the sulphate form so both nutrients are available for immediate plant uptake."

YaraMila 21-7-3(4) also contains a balanced blend of essential micronutrients, including sulphur, magnesium and zinc, which help to optimise the utilisation of macro nutrients.

A Victorian trial showed pastures treated with YaraMila 21-7-3(4) produced about 100 kg/ha, or 7pc more dry matter than the blend over the winter period. Picture supplied
A Victorian trial showed pastures treated with YaraMila 21-7-3(4) produced about 100 kg/ha, or 7pc more dry matter than the blend over the winter period. Picture supplied

A trial conducted in the Western District of Victoria compared the performance of YaraMila 21-7-3(4) and a standard urea-DAP-MOP blend when applied to perennial ryegrass pastures during winter.

The trials sites were located at Colac, Hawkesdale, Simpson and Warrnambool.

Both fertilisers were applied in mid-May at the same nutrient rate per hectare and then cut at 28-day intervals in June, July and August.

A second fertiliser application was made after the second cut.

"This trial showed pastures treated with YaraMila 21-7-3(4) produced about 100 kg/ha - or 7 per cent - more dry matter than the blend over the winter period," Mr Eitzen said.

"Increased dry matter production during feed gap periods, especially during the cold winter months, is of enormous value to farmers.

"This trial shows it pays to use a quality fertiliser that has known specification."

YaraMila 21-7-3(4) is presented in a high quality prill formulation.

"The uniform prill size and particle strength ensures easy handling and spreading, while still remaining highly soluble for rapid nutrient availability," he said.

"There's no risk of segregation during transport, handling or spreading. By comparison, many pasture fertilisers are blends of different nutrients based on urea, MAP, DAP, ammonium sulphate or MOP.

"Each component of the blend has a different size and density, which can cause segregation and can negatively impact spreading characteristics.

"This can lead to large variations in the application rate of each nutrient across the paddock."

Yara fertilisers are produced in Europe using the highest quality ingredients and some of the world's most energy-efficient processes.

As one of the world's leading producers of nitrate fertilisers, Yara is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2050.

"Yara has already reduced the carbon footprint of its nitrate fertiliser production by 40pc and is on track to reduce emissions by another 30pc within a decade via the development of 'green' ammonia technology," he said.

Yara is also committed to the development and adoption of integrated crop nutrition solutions, innovative decision-making tools and climate-smart agricultural practices to optimise the efficiency of fertiliser application.

  • Contact your local distributor about YaraMila or visit

This is branded content for Yara Australia