Farm Weekly

Create a safe, positive space online for your teen or tween today: How to get started on the Zown app

Get started on Zown today, the app that's designed for children between eight and 14-years-old and provides them with a safe, positive space. Picture Zown
Get started on Zown today, the app that's designed for children between eight and 14-years-old and provides them with a safe, positive space. Picture Zown

This is sponsored content for Zown.

So you've downloaded Zown to give your kids a safe, positive space to own on their devices but what now?

Getting ready to use Zown is easy, there's just three steps.

One: Download the app.

Two: Create a user profile. The only personal information needed here is the user's year of birth to ensure age-appropriate content is shown.

Come up with a username that is not their real name. Privacy is respected on the app and contributed content is also free of any identifying information.

Finally, select the images they love to determine which positivity posts will be shown.

Three: Use the app freely.

Zown founder Lauren Adlam collaborated with many experts while developing the app and also undertook thousands of hours of research. Picture Zown
Zown founder Lauren Adlam collaborated with many experts while developing the app and also undertook thousands of hours of research. Picture Zown

Zown was created by Lauren Adlam, a mother of four, who developed the app after seeing her own children trying to navigate their childhood and teenage years in the new age of technology facing the pressures of social media.

"I wanted to create a safe space for them to go and feel good about themselves," Lauren said.

"There's no multinational company behind this, it's me as a mum wanting to make a difference.

"My number one focus is protecting users and making a safe space online."

Key features of the child-friendly app include:

Positivity posts

These posts are different every day and help users start their day in a really positive way. These posts are tailored to the user based on the images they selected when creating their profile.

Chat with Zed the Digital Buddy

Ask anything, any time. Zed is the app's mascot and a digital buddy for users to interact with. Responses are AI generated from age-appropriate, positive and kid-focused information.

Mood Check in

Users select their mood and can see the pattern over the past five check-ins. If there is a continued pattern of certain moods links to resources related to those moods will be provided.

All content on Zown is de-identified to protect users and is sorted into age appropriate categories. Picture Zown
All content on Zown is de-identified to protect users and is sorted into age appropriate categories. Picture Zown

Contributor's Corner

Zown users can contribute their own content - from book and movie reviews to recipes, boredom busters, favourite songs and more.

All contributions are moderated by Zown to check they are appropriate, factual and that they protect the users. They are then posted with a randomly generated name - no opportunities for online bullying.


Users can search to their heart's content safely through a wealth of information relevant to tweens and teens including good news, fun facts, information around nutrition, exercise, puberty, drugs and alcohol, friendship, school, history, culture and more.

New content is added daily and this content is segmented by age; under 12, 12 to 16 and 16 plus.

Goal Setting

Users can add any goal they want like walking the dog or reading a book and when they achieve their goals they are rewarded within the app with special features and badges.

Trivia and Riddles

A selection of fun things to intrigue users.


Users can submit anything they want into their calendar.

  • Learn more about Zown here or download the app with your child and start exploring today.